Be confident when cooking. Stay safe at all times and keep your hands clean. Get Instant Access to our Exclusive Super Early Bird Discount of over 50% when we Launch! 🚀 Kickstarter:
Don't you hate cutting and scraping your fingers, getting burned, scratching your nails, accidently touching your face and eyes with your greasy fingers or worried when you let your kids help out? Well I do 😂 not for the kid part though, I'm only 18…
Designed to be useable daily for every situation
Keep your fingers away from the blade and make beautiful slices
Keep your hands clean so you don't accidently touch your face or eyes
Don't get burned when cutting a hot piece of meat and more
Rest assured when letting your littles ones help you out
Designed for Righties and Lefties, Concave bottom prevents rounds food from rolling, Blade guider protects your fingers from the blade
We're Launching Soon. Get an exclusive discount by signing up now!
Keep your hands and fingers Clean & Safe and Teach your kids safely when they want to Help you out without worries
Let your little ones help you and rest assured that they are safe while you enjoy their company.
Invite your kids and friends and spend more time together. Cook Together, Have Fun and Stay Safe.
Let's see if we will raise enough money to actually make it 🤞
Food contact safe material, Recyclable Thermo-plastic, Made to withstand drops and heat
Measuring about the same size as your hand, CoolCut is fast to clean and can easily be stored in your drewer next to your knives and cutting board
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