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The Ultimate AI and Robotics Kit for Kids

Get Your Kid to Love Science

Quarky is a super fun learning companion kit that makes learning new technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics, engaging and effective.

Get Your Kid to Love Science

Real World DIY Application

What Makes Robots Move? How do Self Driving Cars Work? Your kid will discover how cutting edge technology works through projects they complete themselves. Imagine the confidence your child will gain when they have a better understanding of the world around them.

Be Productive With a Smartphone

Does your kid waste too much time on their phone? With Quarky, your kid will see just what their smartphones are really capable of. Quarky integrates smartphones, computers, and robots so your child has a complete understanding of the tech they use.

AI Made Simple

The interactive AI education and coding platform provides a fulfilling project-based learning experience through its AI & ML tools integrated into a graphical programming interface.

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