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Provisions Arena: The AI-powered Smart Pantry

Provisions Arena: The AI-powered Smart Pantry

Our app and hardware kit make it easy to do your part to reduce carbon emissions all while saving money and eating delicious food.

What is Provisions AI Smart Pantry?

Provisions AI Smart Pantry is a hardware kit and app that helps people decide what to cook to decrease their carbon footprint, save money and time.

Save Money & the Planet

Our app and hardware kit make it easy to do your part to reduce carbon emissions all while saving money and eating delicious food.

Keep it simple

Provisions Arena is easy to setup and use. After a simple initial setup, the pantry will stay up to date automatically.


Are you ever asking yourself what you are going to cook for dinner when you really should already be cooking? Provisions Arena can help with this, and many more ongoing life problems.

Save money and the planet

Food has a real impact on the carbon footprint that humans create. 34% of greenhouse gas is from food. Food generates an average of 2 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions per person annually.It is estimated that one third of all food produced in the world goes to waste, accounting for 6%-8% of all human caused greenhouse gas emissions. In the US alone that is the equivalent of 32.6 million car’s worth of greenhouse gas emissions.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Provisions Arena was built to help answer what individual people can do to help reduce carbon emissions.

Carbon footprint of every Recipe

Shows the carbon footprint of every recipe, allowing you to make informed decisions on what you eat

Recommends low carbon footprint Recipes

Allows you mark if reducing your carbon footprint is important to you, and then recommending recipes with lower carbon footprints

Minimize changes to your lifestyle

Tracks your rolling carbon footprint so you can make an impact while minimizing changes to your lifestyle

Eat Delicious Food

Provisions Arena is about eating, for people who eat, which means everyone!

Recommends food based on what you have, saving you from the dreaded question "What are we doing for dinner?"

Stores information about your allergies & suggests substitutions to deliver safe, tasty recipe recommendations

Makes recipe recommendations based on your food preferences

Learns as you use it based on what you cook and like

Save Money

Food costs have been going up and many people are just trying to stay ahead of inflation. We want to help you make the most of your money, but without having to give up a single delicious meal.

Helps you use food before it goes bad by notifying you when it will go bad and recommending recipes that will let you use it up

Recommends recipes based off of ingredients that you have, so that you don't buy a lot of additional ingredients all at once

Asks your weekly grocery budget and then recommends recipes that are in your budget

Gives you the best grocery store to go to for the overall lowest grocery bill for what you need

Save Time

With what life is like today, how busy we all are and how difficult it is to eat well when balancing all of the other things in life.

Faster Meal Planning

Puts together recipe recommendations for you, making meal planning faster

Reduce trips to the Store

Syncs your shopping list with what you plan to cook, reducing trips to the grocery store

Right amount of time Cooking

Asks how much time you are willing to spend each day cooking and recommend recipes so that you spend the right amount of time cooking

How does Provisions Arena AI work?

The hardware kit tracks your foods' location and quantity. The app then uses that information and combines it with carbon footprint data, recipes and food cost information to give you the insights you need to reduce your carbon footprint while savings money and eating delicious food.

We are a Startup

Provisions Arena is a new startup, founded in 2022. Our mission is to help people cook smarter, in a way that is delicious, good for themselves, and good for the planet. We are working on our prototypes and will have some good photos of the app and hardware soon.

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