The only Product Concept Testing tool you need

Your one-way ticket to building and launching products that sell. Take a promising concept and turn it into a winning product with Prelaunch Concept Testing tool.

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image with motocycle with feedbacks

Do people even want what you’re building?

Thousands of products fail every year. Not because all of them are bad but because not enough of them have validated their concepts before building and launching.

You don’t have to be one of them. Prelaunch concept testing tool was designed to help creators test their initial product concept, validate its market demand, and uncover every area of improvement and change that customers might need.

The stakes of launching without concept testing are too high to ignore. And Prelaunch is here to mitigate those risks.

Test your concept, find the winner, launch

Do people want your solution? Do you offer enough functionality to attract customers? Are people willing to pay the price you’re asking? Is there a specific feature you might’ve overlooked?

All of these questions can be answered with the help of our concept testing tool. And all of these questions are answered by your early customers. All you have to do is get your concept in front of them, with Prelaunch.

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How does Prelaunch concept testing work?

With Prelaunch, product concept testing relies solely on feedback from actual, relevant users. You can test multiple concepts, product variations, features, angles, and more to determine which one will stand a chance in the market.

men presents on chalkboard

Here’s how:

1. Create a landing page for your initial variation using our AI and pre-built templates.

2. Drive traffic to your landing page internally or using Prelaunch advertising services.

3. Visitors will be asked to leave their email addresses to prove their initial interest.

4. Next, they’ll be prompted to leave a small deposit ($1-$5) to reserve your product.*This step is crucial in determining the purchase intent of your target audience

5. All subscribers, whether they reserved or not, will be sent elaborate, carefully crafted surveys that will help determine what attracted them the most, what prevented them from committing, and what they would want to change about the product.

6. Based on the performance of the variant and user feedback, you can change any aspect of your product or offer - messaging, positioning, colors, features, price - anything you think might improve your odds.

7. Create a new variation for your product and repeat the test until you land on the version that is an absolute winner.

Ready to test your product concept?

Don’t just assume. Test, iterate, and get it right

Assuming you know what customers want is dangerous. Get it wrong, and your product can fail in an instant. Prelaunch lets you eliminate guesswork and make data-driven decisions to maximize your chances of succeeding.

Get early customer feedback on your product concept, uncover potential risks, learn everything there is to know about your ideal customer, and make a product they cannot resist buying.

Your personal Prelaunch dashboard will lay out the results of each product variation you’ve tested, comparing them side by side and showing you exactly which iteration performed best.

Prelaunch uses 35+ data points to track and measure every visit and interaction. The results of your concept testing are compared with similar products and your previous variations to determine which one has the biggest potential.

Validate your hypotheses and assumptions and launch with confidence.

price validation with feedbacks
The only way to avoid wasting your time and resources on unexpected scenarios is to do market validation.
Erik Buell
Product Design Legend, ex-Harley-Davidson

Frequently Asked Questions

What is product concept testing?

Product concept testing is a preliminary research method that helps gather feedback from potential customers and determine whether or not there’s a demand for a particular product in the market. Concept testing helps creators eliminate risks and validate the need for the product before investing time, money, and other resources into building it.

Unlike traditional research methods, such as focus groups and mass surveys, Prelaunch concept tester was designed to help build successful products based on feedback from actual early users. This makes the accuracy of our product concept testing tool virtually unmatched.

How is Prelaunch Concept Testing Tool different?

Understanding whether or not people are interested in what you’re building is not that hard. What’s difficult here is to establish whether your product will have everything the customers want, need, and are willing to pay for.

Prelaunch concept tester allows for unparalleled accuracy because you, as a creator, can test every minute detail about your product - from messaging to main USP, color options, packaging, price point and beyond.

What makes Prelaunch so reliable is that the feedback is gathered from people who are most excited about and committed to your product. Through our unique reservation model, we ensure that you make decisions based on what your real early customers are saying.

Can you do more than one product variant test with Prelaunch?

Join 1,000+ Brands to Who Trust Prelaunch to Validate Their Innovations

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