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Learn If Your Idea Has Potentia

You probably think your idea is the next big thing. But there’s only way to know that for sure - by testing it. Prelaunch suite provides you with all the resources to do innovation testing, analyze results, and see what your chances of success look like.Innovative idea testing with Prelaunch will help you determine if there’s enough market interest in your concept and whether or not people are willing to pay for it.
It’s time to stop guessing and start testing.

Let Your Early Customers Decide If Your Idea Is Good

The only reliable way to find out if your idea will succeed or not is to test it with real potential customers.Prelaunch innovation testing is the only method that allows creators to gather actionable feedback from future paying customers instead of focus groups and survey responders. 

Unlock insights about your next innovation, how you should build it into a winning product, price it and position it in the market.

Validate Early Product Concepts, Pricing, Colors, and Audiences

Validate Early Concept

Is your concept worth investing time and money into? Learn if there’s a demand for your idea before you start spending resources building it.
Visitors are asked to leave their email addresses to learn the price of your product, which shows preliminary market interest in your idea.

Find the Best Pricing

Experiment with various price points to see what your customers are comfortable paying. Maximize future profits and drive higher demand with the right price.
Prelaunch implements a unique reservation model designed to accurately measure real buying intent. Compare findings from each test and choose the winning price based on data.

Know Your Audience

Test multiple audiences, gather important information about your ideal customer, learn what they want and need from your product and deliver just that.
Maximize conversions by acting on the advanced audience insights and analytics provided by Prelaunch - learn who your customer is and how to reach them.

Test Positioning Angles

Be in charge of how your target market perceives your idea. Test different positioning angles to see which one is the most attractive to your customers.
Experiment with different taglines, mission statements, key features, wording, and see how your audience responds.

Find a Design that Works

Offer multiple color options or design variations. See which one performs best and build your product based on these findings.
Test anything from main colors to product design, packaging, what to include in the box, and more.
The only way to avoid wasting your time and resources on unexpected scenarios is to do market validation.
Erik Buell
Product Design Legend, ex-Harley-Davidson

Co-Create With Your Audience

Prelaunch is where your most excited future customers can find you at the innovation testing stage.These customers are committed to seeing your idea succeed. Analyze all feedback gathered from your community and adapt your product based on that.
What’s more reliable than co-creating your future hit with an exclusive community of early customers?

Learn the Ins and Outs of Your Audience

Demographics, occupation, interests, geolocation - Prelaunch tracks every visitor and places all insights at your fingertips. Know who your customers are from the get-go.

AI Market Research Assistant

In less than 60 seconds our AI Market Research Assistant will analyze thousands of your competitor reviews and tell you the main things people love or hate about them.
Add up to 5 competitor products at once
Click the Analyze button
Get the report you needed so much
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Measure Potential Success

Information on each potential customer is tracked with our powerful analytical suite that records 35+ data points for each visit. Rest assured that you get practical and valuable data to build the best version of your product.
We compare the performance of each variation and combine that data with similar products to assign you a Prelaunch Score - a unique metric that indicates your success chances. 
If your score is high - start building your product and launch with confidence.
If not, we recommend you go back to the drawing board, make iterations, and test again.

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“ helps to test and evaluate demand for hardware products before you crank up the factory”

Find Areas of Improvement

Everyone who reserved your product is sent elaborate surveys about the product, its use cases, features, design, and more.Get answers to questions you didn’t even know you needed to ask. 

How to Get Started with Prelaunch Innovation Testing

Innovation testing with Prelaunch is very easy and intuitive. All you need to get started is a landing page with the initial version of what you want to build. No coding, copywriting, or design skills required.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is innovation testing tool?

Prelaunch is an A-Z innovation testing platform that allows creators to test and validate whether there’s market demand for their ideas and how big that demand is. You can test any aspect of your product - from messaging to pricing, audiences to design, and more.

Prelaunch helps you gather feedback from real customers so you can build your product with confidence.

What can I gain with innovative product testing?

Innovation testing helps creators save time, money and other valuable resources long-term. Launching without validating market interest and purchase intent is a recipe for failure. Prelaunch eliminates risks by providing you with resources to identify what exactly customers need and what you need to work on before launching.

How do I drive traffic to my landing page?

First off, your product will automatically appear in the Prelaunch marketplace - a growing community of millions of early adopters and innovation lovers. But to gain an understanding of your own target market, we recommend driving paid traffic to your landing page - either by running ads internally or by using Prelaunch advertising services.

Will I be able to see reports of each variation side by side?

Yes. Prelaunch dashboard gives you a breakdown of every test so you can see how each minor or major change affected your results. You will clearly see the subscription rates, reservation rates, traffic breakdown, and audience insights in your dashboard to be able to make informed decisions going forward.

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