price testing

If you have a product that you’re getting ready to launch, one thing you’ll be wrestling with is the price. A well-calibrated pricing strategy is not only essential for profitability but also plays an important role in customer perception and market positioning. In the competitive marketplace, the ability to strike the perfect balance between attracting customers and maximizing revenue is a skill that sets businesses apart.

This is where price testing comes in handy. In this comprehensive guide, we will look at the intricacies of price testing, exploring the methodologies, best practices, and key considerations that businesses must take into account to determine and set the best price for their products.

Whether you’re launching a new product, reevaluating an existing pricing strategy, or aiming to stay competitive in a crowded market, this article will give you the knowledge and tools you need to navigate the complexities of pricing and make informed decisions that drive success.

What is price testing?

Price testing, also referred to as pricing experimentation, is a strategic methodology that involves systematically varying the price of a product to observe and analyze its impact on consumer behavior and sales performance. Essentially, it’s a process of trial and error aimed at uncovering the optimal price point that balances customer satisfaction with revenue generation.

Basically, price testing aims to identify the price that maximizes revenue for a given product. This involves finding the delicate equilibrium where the price is attractive enough to drive sales volume while ensuring that the higher price point contributes positively to the overall revenue.

Why Price Testing Matters

Setting the wrong price can cost you dearly. But why? For one thing, price makes up a major part of brand perception. Additionally, price testing is especially helpful for companies launching new products that don’t have any sales data yet to base their future marketing decisions on. And certainly the consequences of setting the wrong price become even more evident when dealing with physical products that involve a lot potentially lost during production. 

The Crucial Role of Price Testing in Physical Product Development

Unlike software, where updates and modifications can be rolled out relatively seamlessly, physical products require meticulous planning, manufacturing, and distribution processes. Therefore, setting the right price from the beginning is that much more important. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In the next sections, we’ll share how navigates this issue using an innovative approach. 

The High Costs of Mispricing Physical Products

Consider the scenario of a small business owner introducing a new line of eco-friendly backpacks into the market. Without a comprehensive understanding of what price the target audience is willing to pay, the business may inadvertently set the price too high, discouraging potential buyers.  By comparison, a price set too low may undermine the product’s perceived value, leading customers to question its quality. In both cases, sellers will end up with a full inventory. 

The Ripple Effect on Profitability

Mispricing physical products can have a cascading effect on the overall profitability of a business. If the price is set too low, the profit margins may not cover production and operational costs, resulting in financial strain. Conversely, an overly high price may lead to slow inventory turnover, tying up valuable capital and hindering cash flow.

6 Methods for Testing a Product’s Price

So now that we’ve firmly established the need to validate your product and test the price before launching it to market, let’s look at some key approaches. Below are some of the most relied-upon methodologies that empower businesses to gain actionable insights into consumer behavior and market dynamics. 


Surveys are a foundational tool for understanding consumer preferences. By directly engaging with your target audience, you can collect valuable data on their willingness to pay, perceived product value, and factors influencing purchasing decisions.

price testing template

Imagine you are launching a new line of premium skincare products. A survey could inquire about participants’ price expectations for high-quality skincare items, helping you gauge the price range that aligns with their perceived value. 

Still, it should be noted that surveys are only as good as the questions they ask and therefore can give you very skewed data. For example, if you’re testing for market interest for an innovative yoga mat, you may be tempted to ask about people’s workout habits. However, even among yoggies, people will always tend to answer that they work out more than they actually do. Therefore, it’s hard to judge whether or not they would buy the actual product.

Consider creating a simple survey using Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or the survey tool from Resonio.

Price Laddering

Price laddering involves presenting consumers with a range of price options to identify the threshold at which they perceive a product as too expensive or too cheap. This approach aids in pinpointing the optimal price bracket for a given product.

price laddering

When introducing a new line of gourmet chocolates, you might present survey participants with a selection of price options. Analyzing their responses can reveal the range where the chocolates are perceived as a premium but still within the acceptable price range. 

Similar to surveying this also requires a large number of respondents, and thus the same tools can be used, but not only. In fact, price laddering can be applied on your landing page as well. is a platform that allows you to create a landing page then play around with the prices to measure how it impacts ad performance and other metrics. 

Monitor Competitor Pricing

Understanding the competitive landscape is important as well, but relying solely on this would be a mistake. Nevertheless, regularly monitoring competitors’ pricing strategies provides valuable benchmarks for setting your own prices.

If you’re in the e-commerce space selling fitness trackers, keeping an eye on competitors’ pricing helps you ensure that your product is competitively priced, taking into account features, quality, and perceived value. Tools like Price2Spy and Minderest (great for EU markets) come in handy when using this method. You may also try Repricer if your product is being sold on platforms like Amazon or Ebay. 

A/B Testing & Conjoint Analysis

Last but certainly not least, if you’re ready to launch your product, most likely you’ve heard of ye’ ol’ A/B price testing. This involves presenting different groups of customers with different prices for the same product to assess real-world reactions. The method is particularly effective for online businesses and digital products.

More advanced platforms like merge this method with conjoint analysis, which delves into understanding how different product attributes and their respective prices influence purchasing decisions.

For a new laptop, A/B testing crossed with conjoint analysis could involve creating profiles with varying features (processing speed, memory, etc.) and prices. By assessing participants’ preferences, you can identify the optimal combination of features and pricing. (More on this in the section below.).

Mitigating Risks: Price Testing with

Think back to the many examples we mentioned above. All of them have one point in common: conducting thorough price tests before the product launch will serve as a safeguard against potential financial setbacks. That’s exactly why we created Prelaunch! is the only comprehensive platform of its kind that allows creators to validate their concept, test a product’s position and price, and make informed decisions based on real-time data supported by an AI Market Research Assistant that analyzes thousands of reviews and feedback to uncover top customer praises and complaints.

How the Prelaunch Price Validation Tool Works

Using the tool is easy and intuitive. Simply start by creating a converting landing page using our AI and pre-made templates. (Don’t worry about design, coding, or copywriting. That’s on us.) Once you do, your product will then appear in Prelaunch marketplace, where folks are on the lookout for innovation and early adopters find creative products.

From here you can drive traffic to your landing page by either running ads independently or by using our Prelaunch advertising services. As a way of probing their initial interest in the product, we ask page visitors to leave their email addresses to get an exclusive offer.

After leaving their email address, subscribers are shown the product price with an early discount and are given a chance to reserve the discount for a small deposit. This step is meant to measure the subscribers’ willingness to pay.

This is where the creator has the opportunity to price test. As mentioned before, you can either adjust the prices on the page and see how the performance changes, or set a simple or conjoint A/B test to find the perfect price for your product. 

how price validation tools work

During this entire process, tracks, collects and analyzes all the data and presents an aggregated metric, called Prelaunch Score, a complex index composed of 30+ launch metrics, which estimates your readiness to launch. 

This is how companies like Hyphen Aria were able to validate their product’s market potential and test for the perfect price.

5 Things to Avoid When Price Testing

While price testing can be a powerful way of optimizing your pricing strategy, there are pitfalls that businesses should be mindful of to ensure accurate and actionable results. Here are some things to avoid when conducting price tests:

  1. Inconsistent Pricing Test Conditions

Avoid changing multiple variables at once: To isolate the impact of price changes, it’s crucial to maintain consistency in other aspects of the product, such as quality, packaging, or marketing.

  1. Limited Sample Size

Avoid relying on small sample sizes: Drawing conclusions from a small group of participants may lead to skewed results. Ensure your sample size is statistically significant for reliable insights.

  1. Ignoring Customer Segmentation

Avoid treating all customers the same: Different customer segments may respond differently to pricing changes. Ignoring segmentation could lead to a one-size-fits-all strategy that fails to capture the nuances of your diverse customer base.

  1. Short-Term Focus

Avoid neglecting long-term implications: Some price changes may yield immediate results but have negative long-term effects. Consider the sustainability of your pricing strategy and its impact on customer loyalty. For instance, dropping the price in the short term may boost your sales, but it may also lead to a lack of respect for the brand in the long run.

  1. Ignoring Qualitative Feedback

Avoid relying solely on quantitative data: Incorporate qualitative feedback from customers. Numbers may reveal trends, but direct feedback provides valuable context and insights into the reasoning behind purchasing decisions.

By steering clear of these common pitfalls, businesses can conduct more robust and reliable price tests, leading to informed decisions that align with long-term goals and customer expectations.


In conclusion, yes, figuring out the right price for a product is complex. It requires a full understanding of the product and how the market changes. But once businesses use the methods and best practices we talked about, they start making smarter, more informed decisions. This journey isn’t just about finding the best price now; it’s about getting ready to handle the challenges of the future market.

And if as a business you’re not sure you have the resources to commit to all the facets that price testing encompasses, is ready to help with Concierge Services. Our track record is full of success stories where innovators tested early and were therefore able to avoid losses and waist during production. Book a call with our team here, so we can discuss how to test and determine the best price for your product. 

Product Launch Success

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