mental health tracker i

Over the past 4 years, the health and beauty sector has witnessed a seismic shift in consumer behavior and expectations, with a marked increase in demand for products that promise wellness and self-care both for female and male audience.

In this rapidly evolving market, validating a product concept before its launch is more crucial than ever.

Enter, a platform designed to bridge the gap between innovative health and beauty brands like Mental Tracker I and their target audience.

By leveraging Prelaunch, companies can gain invaluable insights into consumer interest, refine their products based on real feedback, and build a community of engaged customers ready to advocate for their brand from day one. This process not only streamlines the path to market success but also significantly reduces the risks associated with new product introductions in such a dynamic industry.

Check out how the power of Prelaunch helped Mental Tracker I validate their product and successfully launch it in the market.

Understanding the Product

Mental Tracker I is a revolutionary health and wellness device that uses advanced technology to track and monitor mental health conditions.

Mental Tracker I is ingeniously designed as a combination of a headset and a companion app that work together to track the wearer’s mental state in real-time. The app displays a variety of metrics, including general mental load, cognitive load, emotional background, level of fatigue, depression index, and neuronal reliability index.

One of the standout features of Mental Tracker I is its NeuroAssistant—a unique function that curates relaxing and calming music tailored to the user’s current mental state as indicated by the collected indexes.

As we went through the product examination we identified the two main unique selling points for the product:

  1. Ease of Use: Mental Tracker I is remarkably user-friendly, designed to be worn comfortably anywhere, providing real-time feedback about the user’s mental health without interfering with day-to-day activities.
  2. NeuroAssistant: This feature enhances the user’s experience by offering therapeutic music solutions tailored to the individual’s current mental state, fostering relaxation and well-being.

Building the Landing Page On

Understanding the unique aspects and benefits of Mental Tracker I set the stage for the next crucial phase in our prelaunch process—the development of a landing page. This step is integral to our concierge service at, where we specialize in crafting bespoke landing pages that encapsulate the essence of each product yet are very unbaised . 

Our expert team worked closely with Mental Tracker I to create a visually stunning, content-rich landing page that would effectively communicate the value proposition of their product and entice potential customers to learn more.

In developing the copy for the landing page, we took a deliberate and strategic approach to ensure that the content resonated with our target audience’s needs and aspirations. Our primary angle was to highlight the revolutionary impact of Mental Tracker I on users’ daily lives, emphasizing its ease of use, the groundbreaking NeuroAssistant feature, and its potential to transform mental health management. 

By weaving in narratives that speak directly to the frustrations and challenges individuals face in understanding and managing their mental states, we positioned Mental Tracker I as not just a product but a pivotal tool in navigating the complexities of mental wellness. This approach aimed to create a compelling and relatable story that would captivate and motivate our audience to engage further with the product.

Unlike traditional landing pages, we placed the large visual of the product right after the main hero section to create a powerful link between the marketing message and the actual product. We also included images of real people using Mental Tracker I, further emphasizing its ease of use.

landing page mental health tracker i

On top of that in the next section, we included the measure the tracker takes, thus enabling  the visitors to see the Mental Tracker I actual usage options. These icons, coupled with concise feature descriptions, not only made the landing page more engaging but also helped potential customers quickly grasp the innovative aspects of Mental Tracker I, fostering a deeper understanding of its value in enhancing mental wellness.

Furthermore, we complemented the persuasive copy with high-quality visuals and engaging GIFs to bring the story of Mental Tracker I to life. These visuals meticulously showcased the headset’s sleek design, user-friendly interface, and seamless interaction between the device and the app, providing a holistic view of how the product works in real-time.

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Running Targeted Ads for Audience Insights

With the captivating landing page for Mental Tracker I in place, the next strategic move in our prelaunch phase was to initiate the advertising campaign and driving potential customers to our landing page, thereby converting their interest into early commitments or sign-ups.

The initial approach to our ads copy and visuals was intentionally broad, aiming to appeal to a generic audience.

ads on mental health tracker i

However, as our targeted ads began to yield valuable insights into our audience demographics, it became clear that a significant portion of our interested users were females aged 25 to 44 years. This pivotal discovery prompted us to refine our visual strategy significantly.

To foster a deeper connection with this demographic, we shifted our visual concepts towards more female-centric color palettes and incorporated language that resonated more profoundly with a female audience.

mental health tracker i

We also made a conscious decision to feature predominantly female individuals in our visuals and testimonials. This strategic pivot not only enhanced the relatability of our content but also underscored our commitment to understanding and addressing the specific needs and preferences of our primary audience.

mental health tracker i

This thoughtful customization in our visual and verbal messaging aimed to create a more welcoming and relevant experience for potential female customers, encouraging them to see themselves in the use and benefit of Mental Tracker I.

The success of our refined advertising strategy was reflected in the performance metrics of our ad creatives. With an average Click-Through Rate (CTR) of 2.14%, it was evident that our targeted approach resonated well with our audience. This level of engagement signifies that the creatives not only captured the attention of potential customers but also succeeded in compelling them to take action by visiting our landing page. 

Validating Market Interest in Mental Tracker I

During the critical phase of validating Mental Tracker I’s market appeal, our team conducted an in-depth analysis of potential price points and advertising strategies to determine the most effective approach for positioning this innovative mental health tool. The data gathered from this exercise has been pivotal in shaping our go-to-market strategy.

Pricing Strategy Insights

The analysis of three distinct price points—$375, $299, and $499—revealed intriguing insights into consumer behavior and preferences. Interestingly, the $375 price point, combined with a marketing message centered around “Mental Health Awareness,” resonated the most strongly with our target audience. 

The choice to emphasize the $375 price point, coupled with a focus on mental health awareness, is not merely a response to market data but a strategic alignment with our mission to promote mental wellness. The overall market interest in Mental Tracker I, as reflected in our above-average subscription rates and cost efficiency metrics, validates the product’s value proposition and market fit.

Building Community on Platform provides valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences through an interactive dashboard that tracks user activity and engagement levels.  Apart from that the platform offers several means to build your community and co-create with them. Some of those options are surveys and discussions, enabling an interactive environment where feedback flows freely and directly influences product development. For Mental Tracker I, these channels honed the product’s features and user experience.

Discussions on the platform proved to be a vital area where the community profoundly impacted the development of Mental Tracker I. This space facilitated not only a platform for back-and-forth conversations but also a collaborative environment where potential users could voice their curiosities, challenges, and expectations. The direct engagement between the creators and the community through these discussions allowed for real-time feedback and insights.

community building
community building via

Our product page integrates two unique surveys—Reservation and Cancellation—that harvest invaluable insights from potential customers. The platform steps beyond traditional survey analysis by introducing AI-based survey result analysis, accessible exclusively to to creators through the creator’s dashboard. This innovative feature sorts survey responses into two categories: reasons to buy and objections. Each category provides deep insights into community sentiments and preferences, enabling creators to fine-tune their marketing strategies and product offerings. 

The “reasons to buy” feedback highlights the strengths and unique selling propositions of Mental Tracker I, affirming the factors that convince potential customers to purchase.  

product characteristics

On probing deeper into customer feedback, it became evident that most of our potential customers have previously sought professional mental health services, signaling a serious commitment to managing their mental well-being. Interestingly, despite this, they had not leveraged technology extensively to monitor their mental health. Many shared experiences of daily mental fatigue and overwhelming emotions, highlighting a significant need for accessible mental health monitoring tools. A recurrent theme across feedback was the importance of privacy and data accuracy. Prospective users underscored the necessity for stringent data protection measures, ensuring that their sensitive mental health data remains confidential and is used exclusively for their personal benefit.

Conversely, the “objections” section sheds light on concerns or hesitations that may deter a sale, offering an opportunity for targeted improvements and adaptations.

product characteristics

In terms of obstacles to adoption, pricing emerged as a critical barrier. Feedback from the cancellation survey clarified that while there’s a strong interest in Mental Tracker I, the initial price range was a significant deterrent for many. The majority of interested individuals indicated a willingness to invest between $100 to $300 for such a mental health monitoring tool—far below our initial pricing models. This compelling insight necessitates reevaluating our pricing strategy to align more closely with the financial expectations of our targeted customer base, ensuring Mental Tracker I is both accessible and appealing to those who stand to benefit from it the most.


The launch and market validation efforts for Mental Tracker I offered comprehensive insights into effective strategies for introducing a new mental health tool. By adopting a data-driven approach towards advertising, pricing, and community engagement on the platform, we were able to identify and address the primary needs and concerns of our target demographic.

As an outcome of the service, we provided our partner with detailed reporting and insights, along with actionable steps to ensure the success of their campaign. This comprehensive package includes a breakdown of engagement metrics, audience responses, and the effectiveness of various pricing points. Highlighting key strengths and areas for improvement, our report is designed to empower our partner with the knowledge to optimize their marketing strategies, refine their product offering, and ultimately achieve a stronger market fit for Mental Tracker I. By leveraging these insights, our partner is better positioned to make informed decisions that align with their audience’s needs and preferences, thereby enhancing the potential for their campaign’s success.

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